Sunday, December 16, 2007

New Car...

We finally decided it was time to replace one of the ancient Honda Accords, so after a lot of research by the resident librarian and multiple test drives we settled on a new to us (used) car. We are loving our new silver Hyundai Sonata! It is very similar to a Honda Accord, but more in our price range!
The only problem we had while buying the car was the fact that we forgot our checkbook at home. So Chris' parents Brad and Lynette kindly brought it to us, and proceeded to buy a new car of their own! It certainly turned out to be an expensive favor for them!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas time is here...

This past weekend we went to a tree farm near Hastings and cut down our tree. Chris had the joy of cutting down his first real Christmas tree. We think it turned out pretty well.
We just hope it can last until we host the Lowe family Christmas at our house!